Symnum Systems is a small software company founded by Jon Beltran de Heredia. Our aim is to provide better tools for software developers, by re-thinking software development challenges and finding new angles to solve them better.
The whole drive behind this is that software development should be fast, reliable and fun. Current practice is very far from this, so the market gap is enormous!
Symnum was previously known as NGEDIT Software. Symnum Systems SL was incorporated recently, but it's functionally the same as NGEDIT Software previously. The NGEDIT website still has plenty of information, and holds Jon's more-business-oriented blog.
Symnum Systems is based in Vitoria-Gasteiz, a small town in the Basque country (north of Spain), but there is part of the team also working from Madrid.
Codekana, first released in 2007, was the second main product by Symnum, after the ViEmu family of vi/vim emulators for Visual Studio, Word, Outlook and SQL Server. These emulators have been available since 2005, and they actually became both the core of the NGEDIT business, and the starting point for Codekana. Integrating with Visual Studio is no picnic, and the lessons learned developing for ViEmu/VS were instrumental in being able to design and implement Codekana.
About the founder
In a “previous life” I was a book author (I wrote a book on x86 assembly language programming, in Spanish, published by Anaya and which was pretty popular in Spain), and a professional games developer (the golf game credit on that page is wrong, btw — the others are correct).
I'm also a co-founder of the J1CK project, which is a very exciting team-project with other partners, developers, etc... focusing on the mobile market. Follow the J1CK blog for updates on this project.
You can easily reach me by email, using any of the support forms, and via Twitter at http://twitter.com/jonbho